Jacques lecoq (Expressing an animal)

[Lesson #3 2017. August. 18th]

The first thing that we have done when we entered the class was checking our homework about writing about what we have done in last class, just like drama journal.lecoq-1.jpg

After the class started, we had small research time about Jacques Lecoq. He is a physical theater performer, who knows everything about moving bodies for certain character. Our class has tried to explore little bits of our group’s character. Our group had Zanni, from 1st class. From below there are two notes about Zanni as a character.

How does the character move?

Zanni has very exaggerated actions. He walks with his nose leading him self. Nose sticks out the first, which makes a body to be more rested and available to move it around to be looked more interesting. Zanni moves his body very smooth but big so that even though he should have a low amount of space, he moves quite large and exaggerated.

-Does character has Lazzi

Zanni has characteristic of joyful and has many actions of comedy, which clearly illustrates how Zanni has a lot of lazzi in his story and on a show. He has a lot of jokes.

Based on this information, we could learn that Zanni moves quite big and exaggerated during the performance. Like these research time, by learning more about that character, makes the performer be 100 percent ready to perform that character on the stage.

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